Normal Hours
Monday to Friday 7:30 - 5:30
Saturday 7:30 - 5:00 pm
Sunday (LPG and returns) 3pm - 4pm
Winter Closing Hours (June, July August)
Closing at 5:00pm on weekdays
Rangiora's only LPG refilling
station. We fill all types of
LPG bottles while you wait.
LPG Bottles For sale
We sell refurbished and new bottles.
2.0Kg Bottles (Full of LPG) - $50.00
4.0 Kg Bottles (Full of LPG) - $65.00
19 Kg Bottles (New) - $250.00 (Full of Gas)
2.0Kg Bottles (Full of LPG) - $50.00
4.0 Kg Bottles (Full of LPG) - $65.00
19 Kg Bottles (New) - $250.00 (Full of Gas)